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About Us

Our Mission :


NC Women for Cannabis educates and empowers
women to engage in the political process to enact
laws that protect our sick and suffering.


Yes, I support Medical Cannabis Now What?


Talk to your Doctor

They may be just as afraid to talk about it as you are.  Remember, there is doctor/ patient confidentiality. Talk all you want. Have you tried it for your symptoms? If so, tell them. Ask them why you would want to choose a pharmaceutical pill over a natural plant. Did cannabis work for your pain? Make sure they put that in your records. We need to start showing how and why people are using medical cannabis. Do your own research and print out the info to take to your doctor. The more doctors we can get on board with this, the better chance we have of getting our laws changed.

Ugh, the Government (actually, they are people just like you and me)

It all starts right here, our local government. Our mayors, commissioners and town councils are our first line of representatives. Next, are our District Representatives. House and Senate are next. These people represent the US...all of us. We vote them in to be our voice. Medical Cannabis should not be pushed under the rug. So how do you go about getting their attention?

Be an advocate. Write them a personal letter. It doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out letter. If your family member (or you) has a medical condition, research medical cannabis treatments for that and include that research in the letter. Ask why is there no option for this treatment. We are fighting for our right to choose. Also, ask them what you can do to help them get the law changed. Ask them if you could set up a town event where they could come and talk to the public about the issue...they do like to talk to their voters, hint, hint. Go to commissioner meetings and town hall meetings.  Find out when the meetings are and take a group of people. Ask them point-blank how they feel about medical cannabis. (Contact information on the back)


Stand Up and Stand Out

Join groups and be a force. NC WOMEN FOR CANNABIS and NE NC CANNABIS are both local groups. Be a part of it. Groups like these hold events, and go to events, armed with information. You can help operate a booth, donate to help keep them going or give your time printing flyers, etc. It's up to you. We can't do anything without people standing up. We need you!

NC Women for Cannabis 

NE NC Cannabis

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Personal Cultivation

Personal cultivation of organic whole-plant cannabis is vital to synergistic holistic healing. Safe unhindered access to the raw herbal plant for juicing and home preparations have saved many lives.

North Carolina Women for Cannabis is committed to protecting patients over profit.


We support legislation that ensures access to the safe, affordable, organic whole plant, cannabis, and the patient's right to grow their own medicine. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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